Hot Momma Spotlight on a California Cutie
This week, the Hot Momma Spotlight is shining on a California Cutie, Elizabeth Sloan. Liz and I met in Seattle and became fast friends; I was immediately taken by her as she is such a force and a ray of light! Liz (sadly) now lives in the Bay Area, is a Mom of two, a PR guru who has a dream job working with LEGO and has one of the sickest figures I’ve ever seen thanks to clean eating and killer spin sessions (among other things). Herein, some great words of wisdom from someone who inspires me every day.
Breakfast! I start every day with a big glass of warm water with some lemon to wake me up. Then ease into a cup of coffee and my morning ritual—OATMEAL! I have eaten oatmeal almost every day for the past couple years as it makes me feel FANTASTIC, starts my day off perfectly (not too full) and sustains me for several hours. In the winter I mix my oatmeal with pureed pumpkin, pecans & nutmeg; in the spring I mix in some cinnamon, walnuts and blueberries, and in the summer I will eat it cold with almond milk, pomegranate seeds and slivered almonds for a muesli version of it. YUM!!!
While I do LOVE a good run my hands-down favorite workout is spinning. There is nothing better than a dark room, music pumping into your veins, sweat dripping like crazy and a great coach inspiring and encouraging you to “get stronger AND make it happen.”
Ha, every weekend! Kidding. That said, I have gotten better over the years of not looking at eating as a “diet”—but instead as a lifestyle and every day (proactively) looking at it is a set of choices. Last weekend we went out with friends and I had a HUGE burger (feta cheese please!), a basket of fries, knocked back several beers and topped it off with ice cream. BUT I knew I was doing it. I made the choice and it was a blast as I don’t do it daily. The next day I went back to normal eating with my favorite oatmeal, juicing, big salads, fish style.
Start small. It takes time to learn, replace old habits so perhaps pick one meal a week to swap out and replace with something awesome. Then build up. That one meal a week will become one awesome meal a day, to a few awesome meals/snacks a day, etc. Also don’t be afraid to experiment and figure out what food truly makes you feel great! For example I know that every afternoon, when I get a hankering, a Greek yogurt with some honey and fruit always does the trick.