Hot Momma Spotlight on One of the “Good Ones”
Meet Kris Wittenburg, a successful entrepreneur from Vail, Colorado who recently launched Be Good to People, an organization that recognizes and rewards “Good-doers™”, people who are Being Good to People around the world. Be Good to People is a line of stylish apparel and lifestyle accessories that make you and the people you encounter feel good. She certainly inspired Gayle King at the Oprah Tour in Seattle this fall. Gayle loved the line so much that she immediately started wearing a BGTP t-shirt there and then featured Kris in the March issue of “O” magazine!
Kris exudes warmth, goodness, vitality and she practices what she preaches. She’s involved in mentoring women and young entrepreneurs, raising breast cancer awareness, and she’s passionate about small business advocacy. Her greatest joy: making a beautiful home for her husband and two children.
Q: What motivated you to start Be Good to People?
It’s crazy – a rude experience one day at lunch. Though I have forgotten what happened, or who it was that was rude, I just remember it was a woman and I was out running errands. I must have been grumpy that day because it wasn’t a “big” thing…I just remember returning to my office fromlunch, standing in the middle of the office and saying to no one in particular, “Why can’t people just BE GOOD TO PEOPLE?!?! How hard is that?!?!” I stood there for a moment and then announced, “I’m going to put that on a t-shirt: Be good to people. I need to send a message to the world.” And I wasn’t kidding. I marched back to my office and sat down and searched for the domain name “” and it was available! I took that as a “sign,” and purchased it that moment. It’s the ultimate “silver lining” or “lemonade out of lemons” story.
Maria Menounos sporting BGTP
Q: You have a glow that seems to come from the inside out. What is your secret?
You are very kind! I am just really, really happy. My whole life my “why,” my “happy place” has been making people feel special. I get that from my Mom. She was the ultimate make others feel special person. I am definitely happiest when I am working on Be Good to People because I get to meet the most amazing people! Be Good to People has changed my life. I used to be a Type-A, stressed out workaholic – short tempered, quick to judge, impatient. I am still a workaholic, however I have learned because of BGTP to pause before reacting. I call Be Good to People my insurance policy – it keeps me in check. Pretty much every single day I am wearing or carrying something with Be Good to People on it. It serves as a constant reminder to me that I need to remember – even when frustrated waiting in a line, or dealing with a rude customer service person or when I get cut off by someone on the road – that we are all human, with our own stories and issues.
With Kris and Mom at Oprah
Q: What is your advice to busy Moms who are juggling a demanding workload and family?
Ha! Stock up on BGTP gear:). I can’t tell you how many times it has helped calm me down in the sometimes exhausting role of being a mom, wife, entrepreneur. And I’ll tell you what…my kids LOVE to throw BGTP at me when mommy is grouchy. They will not hesitate to call me on my tone or a cranky response. And I’m glad that they do, because that means they are getting it.
In terms of general advice for moms who are juggling…I will say this. “Balance” is different for every person and family. And honestly, I think that the common perception of “balanced” is an illusion. “Balanced” to me means that all things are calm and weightless and in sync and all needs are addressed, all boxes checked. That is incredibly hard to achieve in this crazy 24/7/365 world and not terribly realistic. I prefer to think that “balance” for me is when I am peaceful and content. I may still have great demands going on at work or at home that I am not going to master, but I have addressed them and taken care of them to the degree that I can and I am satisfied that I did my best. I am not beating myself up. We have got to stop comparing ourselves to others and beating ourselves up. Even if it means stepping away from the Pinterest and Facebook.
Q: You are always so busy helping others, what is your favorite way to get “me” time?
Good question. I am pretty selfish that way, and my husband is a saint. He realizes that a happy mommy and wife means a happy home. My most favorite way to get “me” time is that I go to Campowerment ( at least once a year. I started doing it a year and a half ago and have gone three times. It is the greatest thing I do for myself. It’s summer camp for women. When I go I unplug the technology, throw the hair in a ponytail, wear yoga pants the entire weekend, meet incredible women, attend incredible workshops, journal, play, LAUGH, and make lifelong friendships. Seriously, some of my camp girlfriends are my dearest friends and we have only known one another a short time. No one talks about work, no one compares themselves to others, we’re all just there to enjoy “me” time. I love it and can’t recommend it highly enough. When I’m at home, my “me” time is a fabulous bubble bath and O Magazine or a great book. Even better…with a bowl of Ben & Jerry’s Cinnamon Buns ice cream. Sorry, that’s not terribly healthy, but I’m bearing my soul here.
Thanks for sharing with and inspiring us, Kris! I’m so happy to know you.
Get your Be Good to People gear at