Introducing the Hot Momma Spotlight
In celebration of Mother’s Day, I’m excited to introduce the Hot Momma Spotlight. In this feature, I’ll showcase some of the healthiest, badass Mommas that I know who inspire me every day, and I just know will inspire YOU too! I’ll be shining the spotlight on a new hot Momma every week or two and will also look to YOU for nominations.
Without further ado, meet one of my favorite Hot Mommas, the fabulous Annie Allender Robbins. Annie is an acupuncturist, mom of two little boys, FlyWheel/FlyBarre and fitness queen and the epitome of good health. We met years ago during a training session and haven’t stopped sweating together since. Thanks, Annie, for sharing some of your story!
Annie and Van
Q: Annie, you look absolutely amazing. How do you manage to stay so healthy with your busy lifestyle?
A: Thanks Michelle! I get so much joy out of exercising and moving my body that it just becomes a given that I work my week and childcare around a handful of exercise dates for myself. Since I’ve had kids I’ve also tried to make many of my workouts social get-togethers with my girlfriends. Getting to catch up and laugh with someone I care about and exercise is the best!
Annie and family in Nicaragua
Q: You are on the tail end of a Candida cleanse. Tell us what that means and how it’s going.
A: After I had my second child, several of the many colds we all passed around each rainy fall/winter/spring turned into sinus infections for me. I already ate well and used holistic medicine to care for myself but I still ended up having to take antibiotics a couple times a year and I was at a loss for what to do next to stay well. My western doctors recommended surgery but an integrative medicine doctor I consulted with taught me that there is a strong connection between chronic sinus infections and candida and encouraged me to try a three month candida cleanse. I’m almost done with the cleanse and I feel great! My immunity and sinus issues are significantly better and my sleep and energy level are amazing. The cleanse is strict-no caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fruit, wheat, dairy, vinegar, etc., and there are certainly times when I feel deprived or crave a glass of wine or piece of chocolate post-dinner but I focus on one day at a time and remind myself that in the whole scheme of things, these few months are a small price to pay for better health.
Annie and Michelle
Q: What is the best piece of advice you would give a mom who is looking for a fresh start as it relates to her health?
A: Look to joy to give you the answers. Food and movement are powerful medicine and let your journey to wellness be one that helps you learn more about who you are and what you love instead of feeling pressure to follow the newest fad.