OOPS! I (Over)Did it Again this Holiday Season. How I’m Dealing with the Fallout.
Hi Friends,
I’ve got a confession: I kind of overdid it over the holidays. Too much of all of my favorite Christmas treats, mainly cookies, steak and wine. Then we went to Mexico for a family vacation, and well, you know, chips, guac and margaritas for seven straight days. But guess what? I’m not feeling as terrible as one might think this January. Here’s why: I used the same strategies that I use throughout the year, and they’ve helped me stay somewhat close to my fighting weight.
Here are my three favorites that I used during the holidays, which is helping to make January rather joyful:
1. I practiced mindful eating. I knew there was going to be a ton of food and drink in front of me each day, so I woke up and decided what treats I was going to let myself eat. I also decided what foods I wasn’t going to waste my time on. For example, at Christmas dinner, I stayed away from the mashed potatoes because, while I like them a LOT, I would much rather consume dessert and cookie calories. Same thing with the food in Mexico. Do I love burritos, enchiladas, rice, etc? Yes, but I would prefer to munch on chips and guac by the pool during the day, rather then sit down to a carb-laden dinner at night and feel super stuffed from a massive plate of food. So instead, at dinner I chose ceviche, fish or chicken dishes in appetizer portion sizes.
2. I exercised, even though I was tired and busy. I worked out hard on the days leading up to the holidays to prepare for the highly caloric holiday onslaught. Then during the holidays and vacation, I still found a way to break a sweat. This helped me as much with physical maintenance as it did with my emotional stability during the busy entertaining, gift wrapping and vacation season. Some might say, it’s the holidays, I need a break from working out, which I get. But starting up in January is that much more dreadful if you don’t maintain while on holiday.
3. I mentally prepared for January. Mental preparation is half the battle when it comes to weight management. That said, I told myself that yes, I was probabably going to be a few lbs. up, but I need to keep calm and march on, by doing the following things: 1) pitch leftover holiday treats immediately after holidays end. 2). make clean eating a priority – stocking the fridge with greens and proteins. 3) pre-book workouts the first week of January to hold myself accountable.
These strategies aren’t just limited to the holidays, they work throughout the year. Apply them to your next vacation or upcoming holiday, and I promise you’ll feel great after the festivities come to an end. Remember, it’s never too late for a fresh start!
Cheers to your health,
With my family in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.